Chakra Asana 7-pack

Classes Included

First Chakra: Muladhara  (1-hour class)

In this vigorous asana class, we work with strengthening and stretching the legs, creating grounding and steadiness, and centering the nervous system. You’ll need to have a tennis ball available for this practice.

Svadisthana Chakra Class (1-hour class)

In this vigorous asana class, we work with opening and strengthening the hips and flowing as water flows, the element associated with this chakra.

Manipura Chakra Asana Class (1-hour class)

In this vigorous class we work with strengthening the core, fostering our discipline, commitment, passion, and determination.

Anahata Asana Class  (1-hour class)

In this heart chakra class, we foster an open heart and a strong back as both a physical and spiritual practice. We work toward opening our hearts to the whole world, tending to any resistance or hesitancy that we may find on that path.

Visuddha Chakra Asana Class  (1-hour class)

I invite you to have a playlist available of songs you can’t help belting it out to in this throat chakra class! Here we work with opening the neck and shoulders, freeing the voice, and speaking honestly and with integrity. 

Ajna Chakra Asana Practice  (1-hour class)

In this asana class we work to hone our intuition, vision, imagination, and capacity for magic. You are invited to practice with eyes closed, to foster alignment from the inside out. You are offered interspersed periods for self practice, connecting to your own inner sense of what movement might serve you.

Sahasrara Asana Class  (1-hour class)

This chakra has to do with our sense of connection to the whole, interdependence, and perspective. In this class we work toward all of the inversions, noticing how the learnings from being upside down could inform our way of being in the world.

