2013 Classes

Save $6 when you buy these 7 yoga class recordings together!

This package includes the following recordings:

Cultivating Equanimity (April 30, 2013)
1 hour 15 minutes yoga class focused on Upeksha, the quality of equanimity, being able to accept things as they are. Acceptance does not mean approval of circumstances, but a letting go of control.

Annamaya Kosha, the physical body (May 7, 2013)
1 hour 15 minutes yoga class exploring the Koshas, the 5 different ‘bodies’ or layers to our being. In this class we focus on the physical body, form, tactile sensations. Pranamaya Kosha has to do with how we absorb and digest to circumstances around us, and becoming aware of the constitution of our unique bodies.

Manomaya Kosha, the mental body (May 21, 2013)
1 hour 15 minutes yoga class exploring the 3rd Kosha, the mental body. This is the body of awareness, that contains grooves of our ways of being in the world. Through this class, we examine these patterns, drawing our attention to them to see if they actually work for us, if our habits are how we want to show up every day.

Vijnanamaya Kosha, the wisdom body (May 28, 2013)
1 hour 15 minutes yoga class exploring the wise part of ourselves, that which is drawn to act in accordance with that which is life-affirming. Vijnanamaya Kosha is that deep knowing, the witness, the part of ourselves that knows what to do in any circumstance.

Anandamaya Kosha, the bliss body (June 4, 2013)
Anandaymaya Kosha is the Bliss Body, an innate part of us that is content and joyful. Connect to your bliss body through this 1 hour 15 minute yoga session. Remember the ways in which you are beautiful and perfect.

Present with our whole selves (June 11, 2013)
Working with how to move into discomfort with grace. In this class, we recognize our full selves, and everything that led us to this moment-all of the learning moments that have come out of difficulty, and those that have come out of moments of opening and expansion.

Cello and Compassion
This yoga class accompanied by live music by cellist Anna Callner, is an exploration of karuna, compassion. Compassion involves the cultivation of the ways in which we can respond to pain with care, opening, acceptance, and breath. In this class you are encouraged to move into discomfort, to make room for your demons, and to witness your patterns of how you react. We trust that the only way to joy and love is through pain and suffering, enriching our experience of joy.
