5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas Asana Pack


Ahimsa: Revolutionary Love (one hour)

Ahimsa is the practice of ensuring that all of our words and actions come from love, which is both simple and gargantuan. We seek to be kind to our own breaths, bodies, and hearts in this practice and bring to mind complicated relationships, in the interest of a kind way forward through each drop of sweat and breath on the mat.

Satya: Truth is a Prerequisite to Trust (one hour)

The ethical practice of satya recognizes the harm that lies and deception can cause, and invites us into the courageous practice of honesty. In this practice, be honest to yourself about what your body/heart/mind is and is not up for; take variations if that is what’s right; grapple with any conundrum in your life through our practice of satya on the mat; and resource yourself through the breath practices so that you can be grounded in your speaking truth.

Asteya: Simplicity, Gratitude, and Generosity (one hour)

Asteya translates to non stealing-the non-stealing of time, of resources, of attention. Asteya is associated with consent—that we do not “take” anything not offered. This practice involves simple sequences, and practices of gratitude and generosity, working to counter the not-enoughness that provoke the impulse to steal.

Brahma Charya: Living as Divine Consciousness (one hour)

On our mats this week, through the breath work and movement, we awaken the sacred life force, and direct it to that which creates healing and connection. Our commitment to Brahma Charya aims each thought, word, and action toward creating the households, organizations, communities, and world that we want to live in.

Aparigraha: Let it Go! (one hour)

Through breath, movement, and internal focus, we remember and reacquaint ourselves with ourselves. We notice expectations we bring to practice, and let go. We find attachment to certain people being in sangha with us or not, a certain yoga mat or prop, and we release. Again. And again.


Saucha: Keep It Clean (one hour)

In saucha practice, we recognize any emotional harm we’ve created, and try to reconcile, forgive, and let go while being clear on the wisdom gained from our mistakes. We will sweat and we may cry, moving it all through our bodies in the interest of detoxifying, letting go of what no longer serves.

Svadyaya: Check Yourself (one hour)

In svadhyaya we notice our patterns, and previously obscured aspects of our actions, thoughts, and words. Svadhyaya allows us to and be able to be so aware of these patterns and samskaras that we consciously choose how to show up.

Santosha: Cultivating Enoughness (one hour)

One of the secrets of this practice is that nothing in our lives needs to change: we can be content right in the midst of our lives beside the 10,000 joys and the 10,000 sorrows. In this practice we work with observing tendencies toward extremity and trying to reinforce moderation in the interest of santosha. 

Tapas: Turn Up the Heat! (one hour)

Turning toward the heat of the practice and surrender to transformation. In Tapas, we work with practices that challenge our limits, limiting beliefs, fears, and hesitance.

Ishvara Pranidhana: Trust and Let Go (one hour)

Ishvara Pranidhana is surrender and devotion: to let go of your oars on the river of life and trust. We do our best in practicing ethics and doing our self observances, and then ultimately give it up to the god of our own understanding.
