Care Amidst Crisis 5-pack

Classes Included

Release the Tension (1 hour)

When we don’t figure out how to release tension, we become habitually constricted, which interrupts our full capacity to feel and be present. Through breath continuous flow, and hip openers, this class helps you let go of what is not serving you.

This is What’s Happening (1 hour)

An invitation through asana and breath to be with what is.

Steady the Boat (1 hour)

A heating practice to let tension move through the body and be released; this practice engages breath practices to ground the nervous system so as to be a beacon of steadiness amidst widespread panic.

Adaptability (1 hour)

Practice anywhere, and use anything around you to support your practice as an experiment in adapting your life to these times we live in.

Cultivating a Courageous Heart (1 hour)

A  practice to help you step into courage-daring and grounding, finding stillness and building heat, embodying lovingkindness inward and outwards.
