Satya Meditation and Asana Pack

Satya: Truth is a Prerequisite to Trust (one hour)

The ethical practice of satya recognizes the harm that lies and deception can cause, and invites us into the courageous practice of honesty. In this practice, be honest to yourself about what your body/heart/mind is and is not up for; take variations if that is what’s right; grapple with any conundrum in your life through our practice of satya on the mat; and resource yourself through the breath practices so that you can be grounded in your speaking truth.

Satya Meditation (half hour)

We work with a Zen counting meditation, counting each inhale and exhale up to 10, and back to 1 again. The  starting over when the mind becomes distracted is a practice of integrity, recognizing when the mind has become lost, and coming back again. 

