The Brahma Viharas (2/4)

Save $1 when you buy these 2 yoga class recordings together!

This package includes the following recordings:

Cultivating Equanimity (April 30, 2013)
1 hour 15 minutes yoga class focused on Upeksha, the quality of equanimity, being able to accept things as they are. Acceptance does not mean approval of circumstances, but a letting go of control.

Cello and Compassion
This yoga class accompanied by live music by cellist Anna Callner, is an exploration of karuna, compassion. Compassion involves the cultivation of the ways in which we can respond to pain with care, opening, acceptance, and breath. In this class you are encouraged to move into discomfort, to make room for your demons, and to witness your patterns of how you react. We trust that the only way to joy and love is through pain and suffering, enriching our experience of joy.
